Sunday, March 19, 2006

surprise surpise!!!!!!!!!!!

this is what 3 months in front of a computer will do to you......................

not to worry though, they are only for comfort and my sight is fine.....



Anonymous said...

Sexy Lady ! You're the next generation of Vamps ! I luuuuv it :)

Anonymous said...

ahhhhh haaaaa!!!!!

ya what?

had no idea, i have always wanted glasses as i think they make you look super sophisticated and mysterious.... and when in a cafe with a strawberry milkshake and a note book you can take them off and suck on the end, staring out the window, and make everyone else think that you are a mysterious, and intelligent writer or someone incredibly important in tv or the arts, and yet the strawberry milkshake will show them that you are a little quirky increasing their interest in you more

damn... you have chris so therefore lack the need for wild and fabricated scenerios to attract people...

can i borrow them?

Anonymous said...

You rascals, PH and Caz, you saw the surprise before I did. Of course, I am a very busy Stepford Wife at the moment, but not half the foxy lady this FB is. Vhat do zee French say encore, "Femme à lunettes, femme à ..." ? But really, I'd rather have 20/20 vision and a strawberry shake than my glasses which are a permanent fixture, onlike these DKNY comfort specs.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, meant to say "unlike" not "onlike" and actually, I prefer vanilla shakes to strawberry ones.

Anonymous said...

pink is cuter

remember kids
'think pink'

sweet potatoe said...

geez you two like to argues, when it's not Brangelina VS Vaniston (vannagan + Aniston...of course), it's over strawberries and vanilla...well, i like cheese better OK!!!!

sweet potatoe said...

and i realise with hindSIGHT that this entry should have been called surprise surpr...eyes!!! oh well, can't be witty everytime!!

Anonymous said...

Fine, and a double Brie shake for the FB with the DKNY specs and fine sense of humour. P.S. It's Vaughn -- you must brush up on your People spelling, dearie.

Anonymous said...

oh how i love that vince vannagan

and even more the old jewish who dubbed him that

Anonymous said...

and also i think that it is good to have a heathly debate between in-laws

even if it is futurive

Anonymous said...

I don't know about everyone else, but I'm lost big time. That's OK, I'm just a dumb Stepford Fro anyway. I'll just eat another ice cream sandwich.

Anonymous said...

We're stagnating here, so time for a new surpr-eyes of some sort. Still haven't viewed the entire luuuve nest or seen Le Christophe in quite a while.

Anonymous said...

yes please, exactly what mamma fro said

except i have to add... AND PRONTO

Anonymous said...

Ces lunettes te vont bien et je partage tout à fait l'analyse de Caz quant à leur utilisation à la terrasse d'un café. Ne pas oublier, tout en mâchonnant doucement les branches des lunettes, le regard vaguement perdu au loin, qui donne toujours un air pensif et très "cool" sur le monde...

Anonymous said...

ha ha!!! google translate does work...

These glasses suit you well and I completely share the analysis of Caz as for their use with the terrace of a coffee. Not to forget, while mâchonnant the branches of the glasses gently, the glance vaguely lost with far, which always gives a pensive air and very "cool" on the world... Jean

and see your papa knows what i'm talkin' 'bout!

love you and por favor, news soon xxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

Caz, I'd say Google took a bit of poetic licence there ... Anyway who needs it, since there's Christophe now ? Just realized you'll get to meet FB's Papa and wonder if he'd hit it off with your old man, Bobby. What do you think "mâchonnant" means ? I know, but I leave it to your fertile imagination to invent a definition since Google couldn't.

Anonymous said...

now that i re-read it,i can see why i thought it worked straight away, it makes about as much sense as my blog postings