Saturday, April 29, 2006

a word of reassurance

not to worry, all is fine, i was a bit upset off a few days ago but it's all fine now!! indeed, it wasn't because of chris!!
will be booking my tickets today and will let you know the exact dates..
speak to you very soon, ciao ciao


Anonymous said...

Due to the mysteries of cyberspace, your alarming message only appeared on my screen today though you posted it 4 days ago. As you can imagine, I would have reacted sooner had I seen it sooner. I'm not generally slow for those things even if the last time I answered our phone, Mommy said "Where were you ? What took you so long ? It rang at least 7 times." So let's talk about your ticketeroos.

Anonymous said...

que bueno!

and of course it couldn't have been about chris, he isn't after all a hot headed latino baker!

keep your head up beach, and remember i'll be home soon and i kick arse in need for speed, playstaion, so if it all gets to much again i can bring over a playstation, and coupled with a few bevvies, we can forget our woes in a crash/bang speed frenzy (of the totally not illegal way)

see you soon!!!! (okay 2.5months, but sooner that 7 months ago xxxx)

Anonymous said...

Now it's time to talk business, you two chicas. I've been dropping hints about you Caz stopping here on the way home. Have you caught them, you speed freak ? I could try to drown your "sad to leave Memo behind" (not to be confused with "Memo's behind" which we already know paralyzes MSN)tears in the pool along with FB's "sad to leave Chris alone at home ones."

Anonymous said...


je suis tombée sur ton blog. enfin je voulais savoir comment tu allais.Alors j ai fait une recherche. Ca fait longtemps!!!
Si tu veux m ecrire mon mail c est
ca me ferais plaisir. en tout cas tu as l air d aller bien. Je t embrasse
je t ai deja ecris ce petit mot mais me suis trompée d emplacement.

audrey elkrief

De France