Sunday, May 07, 2006

Simon's "bush" 30th...

Last night was Simon's birthday, and the theme was bush so we all put on our sunday bests and gathered at the pub for some tucker and chilled Ale...jolly good times them were!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

You look just like a McLeod's daughter! (it's an Aussie TV show, set in the country ... I forgot for a second that you don't have a TV)

Anonymous said...

This fiesta looks quite a bit like Marco's "Hillybilly Hoe-Down" but with the addition of the forbidden fruit (since you have to be 21 to drink in Bush Country,Texas) : Beer ! I see that the Christo has quite the solid grip on his mug. Everyone else has droopy wrists due to the weight of your bush ambrosia. How about a "Little House on the Prairie" housewarming to take your nifty costumes one step farther ?

Anonymous said...

P.S. Looks like you are teaching French to Nate Fisher.

Anonymous said...

It's me again. I forgot to say what a lovely Western touch the sepia gives and also to ask how you can be laughing your head off when Chisto is looking at you so hotly !

Anonymous said...

i agree that photo is great, very similar to a pickup in a notorious desperate and dateless balls (chris is from the country he might understand that better)

looking smokin' lady, perhaps thats a little more texan cowboy than australian yobbo

Anonymous said...

Les chapeaux australiens sont super beaux et c'est pour cela que je vais venir bientôt les voir de près.

Mais quand même ce que j'ai préféré dans cette photo est la mimique très typique de Laure dans la photo où elle "apprend le français à son ami Adrian". Ca c'est vraiment Laurette...



sweet potatoe said...

le seul probleme c'est que ca ne fait ressembler a mommy.....
ca me fait plaisir de t'entendre un peu papa, ca fait loooongtemps

Anonymous said...

Les Stetson du Texas sont aussi super beaux, mais chaque chose et chaque chapeau en son temps. Et puis tu as déjà ton chapeau "à mille bouchons" des Blue Mountains ... Laura, you don't look like Mommy in the pic or were you teaching Adrian to say, "Un haaaricôt, Monsieuuuur ?"

Anonymous said...

Do you have any pix of Ben H. in the bush for an update ?