Thursday, May 25, 2006

sucking concrete through a straw...

that's what chris and I have been sounding like in our sleep this week as we both have a cold....
anyway, that might explain the long silence, we have either been working or going to bed at 9:00.... an exciting life we have...
i will be replying to everyone of you this week end,
Leanne and Caz about the road trip USA...
papa about ton programme qui a l'air super,
mothe about your packie,
and Dawny, if you are reading this, about your last email and our date in a year from now......


Anonymous said...

Oh dear. I did notice that the weather report for Sydney was getting chillier and I hope your new luuuve nest is less damp and cold than the old one. Caz does not want to see "The Return of Mr. Mold." A year from now, poor Dawnette. I hope your date is sooner than that. In the words of our guru Jerry Springer, "Take good care of yourself and each other."

Anonymous said...

I can't decide whether to use your strategy of wearing the same jeans (namely the only ones that still fit) everyday to punish myself for not being able to fit into a single pair of summer pants in my closet or whether to play "Pretty Woman" in the sales. US sizes have all changed to accomodate those of us who have gained weight without hurting our feelings. A today's size 8 is like a size 12 in the old days so shopping isn't depressing ...