Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Manly with my two men

not a bad day for the middle of winter....
the joyeux lurons happy to catch up for a couple days... the now made famous bronze sculptures...


Anonymous said...

Thanx for the idyllic pix. Are those Converse sneaks I spy on Papa or is it the lighting ? Poor Larrito literally fell asleep 3 times at the wheel on his way back from Emma's barbie and almost "ate" a sidewalk for desert until he began slapping his own face to revive himself. The poor. Jetlag can be deadly but the company has been everything but deadly and he has loved meeting and remeeting everyone.

sweet potatoe said...

oh wow, i didn;t know that, pretty dangerous stuff. maybe he should have just stayed here and sleep on the matress with papa... or maybe not..
it's good that everyone had such a nice time, the two dinners went really well and everyone seemed happy!! we were only missing a couple people but the time will come...

Anonymous said...

and they sure do look like the happy pair in the second photo.

Anonymous said...

By the way, did you show Papa my friends the dolphins in Coogee Bay ? A must !

sweet potatoe said...

i sure did and whether he got it or not, i think he thought it was funny. also i think he liked coogee which was one of our very first visits here...