Tuesday, April 03, 2007

is it slightly weird that....

Angie wants to adopt AGAIN one week after taking peaceful sky home...?


Anonymous said...

Perhaps there is something addictive about it. In any case, I think she was wrong to change the poor kid's name since it was basically the only thing he had of his own for 3 years. Bright Light was just as nice as Peaceful Sky.

sweet potatoe said...

yeah, even chris got involved in this conversation about the boy's name and it's definitely wrong!

Anonymous said...

If even Christo has voiced his opinion, I will feel free to add that A's way of mathematically calculating how many black, yellow and white faces create an ideal balance in the family is nonsense. I believe young children don't even notice color and by the time they are older and do, they seek close company outside the family circle. Also, why can't Angelina and Madonna find orphans whose parents are actually dead and don't immediately begin moaning to the press that they are sad to see their kids leave their country of origin but will surely be better off with rich American parents? On y croit tous.

Anonymous said...

mi chiquita

i have missed out on so much, i feel terrible, i just hadn't checked your blog for a week, but i am glad you are back.

I agree with fro on changing his name. but his original mustn't have fitted in with her gaggle of gorgeous and excitingly named children.

Anonymous said...

I do hope you are being sarcastic Cazita. Yes, surely you are since you have been on Team Aniston from the start. You did once mention that you weren't fond of the name "Carol" but I still assume (as in making an "ass" of "u" and "me") you prefer it to the outlandish names of Brangelina's tribe.