Saturday, April 07, 2007

spot the difference....


Anonymous said...

A dazzling array of footwear, including silver shoes (c.1920s) designed to trip the light fantastic at Chicago speakeasies, or at least a BrunoMagli lookalike. My guess is (a) your left foot has grown over the lifespan of the collection, or (b) you have settled now on comfort with style (dancing optional)

sweet potatoe said...

who is this anonymous fashion expert..? it's pretty hard to believe that no, my feet are not growing or shrinking... all shoes are the same size, it's just that you could compare my feet to chickens: caged or free range depending on the outfit.

Anonymous said...

What's going on? Are FB and Christo soon to compete on Dancing with the Stars? As it is, Ian Z. (ex "Steve" from "Beverly Hills 90210") reminds me of Christo so that means FB is his super-duper dance teacher Cheryl.

I love the colors and atmosphere of this pic, by the way.

Anonymous said...

great photo fb!

now the next step...... mascara!