Sunday, April 24, 2005

don't take it wrong

hey, this is for the few people who actually read this blog and find it rude and weird when i put some private stuff on it.
Well, when i started this blog, I just wanted a way of recording, and filing everything that happened between my baby boy and me while he was away, so that we would have this to remember this year.
I know it's a bit strange to put something on the internet, the less private of places, and then write "private" all over it... but i don't know how else to do it, and since i don't want to lose anything, + i don't want to not write what i want to write, well i do it anyway.
and anyway, whenever it says private, it means that there is serious potential for a massive number of "i-love-yous" and "i-miss-yous" all over the place, which would probably get a bit repetitive for anyone who isn't Chris or myself basically.
So yeah, don't take it wrong, and i'm puting so much other boring stuff on there anyway, that no one's actually missing out on anything....

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