Thursday, April 07, 2005

just in case you were wondering how it ended

well i certainly did stick to my guns this morning because, as predicted I got the answering machine and left a very courteous message not mentioning that i knew about the toilets but hinting by saying if they could check if something was going on above me etc etc... The landlordess called me back and started giving me the most ridiculous reply saying that the two girls who have moved in didn't put the shhower curtain inside of the bathtub and that it was probably the water dripping on the curtain that was floading me. Then in the same sentence, she sais very casually "and Kevin (the landlord) is coming on saturday to look at their toilets etc..." so i said "well i think it's a whole lot of water to be from the curtain and that i thought that it had to be the toilet and that, (i made it sound really really bad) since the damage was getting worse by the minute, it wouldn't be reasonnable to wait until saturday etc etc..." then i had to go out to take care of the plane ticket, and when i got back, she had left a message saying that they had sent a plumber etc... which is good. But it would have been too easy for me to decide that the whole thing was over so i left another message saying that i thanked them for sending a plumber that quick and (that's where i'm pretty good) that i would call back when it's dry to see when Kevin could come have a look at the damage (hinting that i was expecting reparis to be done). I haven't heard from them since but i just got back and it doesn't seem to be dripping anymore which is good. I will clean up everything now and give him a call in a few days.
I decided that if he doesn't want to do any repairs, i could ask for a cheaper rent or move out saying that he broke one of the term agreements saying that he has to make sure that the place is fit to live in, and if it's mouldy, well it isn't.

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